After having added all shipments to a tour, you can close the tour.
For this, switch to the Header data tab and click on the button OPEN

It is now not possible add shipments to or remove shipments from the tour.

A safety query appears.
→ After confirming with Yes, the tour status is CLOSED.

It is now not possible to modify the shipments of a tour, including additions and removals.

A closed tour can only be reopened with the corresponding authorisation.
→ A mask to confirm this action will also appear in this case.

Tour completion

When a tour is closed, the tour and the shipments contained therein are automatically released for disposition.

When a tour is closed, e.g. the Fortras interface is activated (if installed), even after renewed closing.

Basic data settings of a tour completion

Filling rule 31

Basic data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERS → Order data 2 tab → Field Create waybill / Close tour only when file is calculated.

If this flag is activated, the system checks whether there is a status with filling rule 31 – Calculate order in the file.
This is carried out before the closing of the tour.

If this filling rule does not exist, a corresponding information message will appear.

Filling rule 32

You have the option to select 32 - Road closing tour in the filling rules in ADMIN → STATUS TYPES → STATUS TYPES.

If you have recorded such a status, it will automatically be set for a tour completion.

CMR waybill for a tour

Fill goods description with cumulated shipment data

Click the context menu item Calculate total weight of shipments in the CMR waybill of a tour to enter the total weight of all shipments into the goods description.

Consolidated cargo as per bordero will be displayed in the goods description text.