The AWB Control tab contains three sections.
On the left are the fields for the summary of AWB charges and for AWB amounts of insurance and customs value.
In the middle are the signature fields, which can be changed here.
The right section lists the AWB print options.

Master AWB

Including Shipper in AWB field in B2B Master

Including Special Handling Codes in IATA, Consol, B2B Master 

House AWB

Including checkbox Bill collect charges in Consol

The checkbox Bill collect charges in Consol which can be activated on the AWB Control tab of HAWB files, is only considered in Consol files for CC invoicing. 

  • It has no function for the creation of the Consol or Prepaid invoice in the MHAWB position..
  • In the MHAWB, all attached HAWB are observed in the billing.